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Lone Star Patriots was formerly known as the Texas Patriots Tea Party.  The "Tea Party" brand has been heavily tarnished by left wing zealots and the "bought and paid for" left wing, main stream media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, BBC and others).  For those reasons, the Board of Directors decided by a unanimous vote in 2020 to rebrand this organization, but carry on a very similar program.  We're going to leave this page intact, as a memorial of sorts to those who came before us and fought many successful battles for the Tea Party agenda and it's enormously successful campaign of getting Tea Party candidates elected with the goal of replacing the swamp infested Elites.  The struggles with the Obama weaponized IRS were eventually won, too.  We're not much different than they were; The Tea Party.  We're all here to "Make America Great Again."  Please subscribe on the homepage.

These are the members of the original Tea Party founded in Burleson, TX to promote Tea Party candidates and conservative ideals and values.



The TPTP was formed in July 2010 by a group of veteran, conservative and tea party activists from Burleson, Crowley, Joshua, Mansfield, Alvarado, Cleburne, and South Fort WorthWe welcome members from Johnson, Tarrant and Hood Counties and their surrounding areas, e.g.,


  • U.S. Congressional Districts CD25, CD6, CD17, CD11, CD12, CD24

  • Texas House Districts HD58, HD60, HD96, HD10, HD8

  • Texas Senate Districts SD22, SD10, SD23


We are citizens who have decided to quit complaining about the direction of our current government and do something about it. We are not against the role of government, but we are concerned about its violation of the fundamental principles upon which the United States was founded.


We honor and defend the Texas and U.S. Constitutions and their Bills of Rights.


Our Values

• A Constitutional Republic 

• Limited Government

• Fiscal Responsibility

• Personal Responsibility

• National Sovereignty

• Lower Taxes

• The Rule of Law 

Tea Party folks who attended the Republican Party of Texas convention in 2012.  We are now rebranded as the Lone Star Patriots.

The Texas Patriots Tea Party [TPTP] is a Texas nonprofit corporation and recently approved by the Federal Government as a 501c4 tax exempt entity [after 5 years of wrangling with the IRS].


"The purpose of this organization is to encourage, promote and educate voters and potential voters about the United States Constitution and the founding principles of the United States of America." TPTP Bylaws



The United States is not a democracy. It is a Constitutional Republic that relies on elected representatives who follow the requirements laid out in our U.S. Constitution.


We believe in small, effective city, county, state and federal governments. We are not against government, but we are against an overriding, intrusive government that overreaches and takes up authorities not specified in the U.S. or Texas State Constitutions.


We want our elected representatives to demand fiscal responsibility within our government entities. 


We also expect our elected leaders, our community organizations, our religious leaders and all of our citizens to take responsibility for the words and actions. A strong moral and ethical character is expected of our neighbors and elected officials and ourselves.


A country is classically defined by its border, its culture and its language.  We support effective border control and strong immigration programs to ensure that America gets stronger by choosing whom it allows into our country and whom we elect to government offices that effect the policies of our culture. We also believe the unifying language of English is important to unify our country.


The tea party movement began with our revulsion of the buyouts and scandals on Wall Street during the latter Bush years. We didn't like the Obama "stimulus" and felt American citizens were "Taxed Enough Already" [hence, TEA].


We believe the concepts engraved in the U.S. and Texas Constitution and all of the ancillary laws and statues related to those documents are the outcome of our effective representative and legislative process. Although no law is perfect, we do support what laws have been enacted and push for better and better legislation. America is a law- and God-based society and we will defend those principles.

“What kind of government have you given us, Dr. Franklin?” He replied: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Lone Star Patriots

Mission Statement “Inspiring Citizens To Embrace Our Founders’ Charge To Be Self Governed”

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